Boca Marina Yacht Club - Legal Information
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About This Site
This website is not
endorsed by the BMYC board of directors. Some might call it "unofficial,"
and others might call it a "fan site." Regardless, the purpose of this site is to provide all residents of the community with
easy-to-access information and resources. The website is
private and non-commercial in nature and has no direct business affiliation
with the Boca Marina Yacht Club; it is authored, edited, published,
maintained and copyrighted solely by Brian Styles, a resident of the community.
Cookie Policy
A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's hard drive containing
information about the user. This website makes limited use of cookies for the
purposes of allowing easy, yet secure access to the Homeowners Area of the
website. This website doesn’t collect any personally identifiable information.
Content provided does not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of the Board of Directors, appointed committees or the
Association's management company.
The author of this website cannot be held
responsible for the content of any pages referenced by an external link.
While reasonable efforts are used to ensure all
information on this website is accurate and current, such accuracy and currency
can not be guaranteed and your reliance thereon is at your own risk. I am
continuously trying to update the content of this website from different source
and references and making it the most effective means of obtaining information
on the Boca marina Yacht Club. Please help me to improve this website by
providing your own opinions and feedback. Your views and comments about the
information featured are encouraged.
All content, including these terms and conditions, is subject to change without
notice. We suggest you review these terms and conditions each time you access
this website. If you are in any doubt about the use of such material, you should
consult your own solicitors or other advisers.
If you discover any information on the pages of this site which you believe to
be inaccurate or outdated or for technical inquiries regarding the website please contact the webmaster by
No trademark to 'Boca Marina
Yacht Club' is claimed by the owner of this website. The association's website,
as lame and broken as it may be, is located at
This website was created as a
resource by Brian Styles, a BMYC resident, for any and all BMYC residents to enjoy.
The content was created by Styles' on his own time and at his own expense.
The association did not ask for the site to be created, did not help and did
not pay for Styles' efforts or time. Styles created this site because he
found the
information useful and thought it would be useful to other
residents as well. This site is protected under fair use and the First
In 2009, for reasons unknown, the BMYC
board of directors decided, that Styles was no longer a 'good neighbor'
(at least that his how director Alan Rabinowitz so eloquently stated it in an email
his mistakenly cc'd to Styles). Shortly thereafter, director Steve Schoepp called
Styles and demanded that Styles relinquish control of
his website. When Styles refused their unexpected and
unwarranted demands, the board conspired with some local mom-and-pop company
Spearhead Multimedia
(which can't seem to be found as an active company on to download my
content and the republish it (verbatim) under a different domain name. In
fact, the only content changed was the copyright notice from "Brian Styles"
to "Spearhead Multimedia." Styles attempted to contact SpearheadMM and left a
message. No return call, but later that day, the copyright notice on their
site was changed to "(C) Boca Marina
Homeowner's Association." Styles attorney sent a cease and desist letter to
both Spearhead and BMYC management. This resulted in them voluntarily
shutting down their infringing site. The board then spent
additional money to hire the law firm of Rothstein, Rosenfeldt &
Adler to defend them at the homeowner's expense (you may recognize
that now-defunct firm as the one that was convicted and shut-down for a 1.2
billion dollar Ponzi scheme). Months after the costly (and totally
unnecessary) threats of legal action, Spearhead Multimedia and the board reorganized, reworded and republished
the bulk of Styles' original content (though half of the content and links remains broken
still in 2015).
As the copyright holder and a BMYC
homeowner, Styles was disgusted at the
board's complete lack of ethics.
He feel each member of the board back then (Ed Zimski, Alan Rabinowitz, Judy Brennan,
Steve Schoepp and Dave Bergman) should have been held accountable, however,
as an owner who's homeowner dues were being wasted on unnecessary legal matters,
he felt it best to simply table any potential litigation.
Styles promises to continue to keep the
informative site updated for BMYC residents and the surrounding community to
benefit from, regardless of whatever the brilliant board of directors thinks
is best for you.
The content of this website may not be reproduced or reused without the
express written consent of the author.
Copyright (C) 2009-2025, by Brian Styles. All
Rights Reserved.